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FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government
Homes for Texas Heroes
Are you a Veteran, First Responder, or Educator and also looking to buy a home? We can help! See details below.
Click the Get Started button to view current rates, contact a loan officer, or apply online today.
Get Started
Our Homes for Texas Heroes program helps our community heroes buy a new home.
- Must be a member of one of the following categories:
- First Responder - Proof of full time employment as a Firefighter, EMS Personnel, Peace Officer, Corrections Officer (TDCJ or TJJD), County Jailer or Public Security Officer
- Educator - Proof of employment as a public full-time classroom teacher, public full-time paid teacher’s aide, public full-time school librarian, public full-time school counselor or public full-time school nurse. In addition, can include allied health or professional nursing program faculty member.
- Veterans - Must furnish at minimum a DD-214 or DD-215 form (for the federal armed forces) and Honorable Discharge Papers, DD-256 form (for Reservists) and Honorable Discharge Papers, or NGB Form 22 or NGB Form 22-a and Honorable Discharge Papers (for National Guard Members). Other forms accepted in place of Honorable Discharge Papers are a Military ID Card or Veterans ID Card.
- For more details on profession requirements, click here.
- Purchase as a Primary Residence a 1-4 Family Home
- Click here for current rates
- Minimum Credit Score of 720 for at least one borrower, if joint application
- 5% Down Payment
Mortgage Application Checklist
The following checklist indicates the documents required to process your loan request. By making sure we receive this information in a complete and timely manner, you can reduce the time it takes us to approve and close your loan. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions.
Residential Loan Application
- Complete in full with signature (s), addresses, account numbers, balances
- Copy of signed Sales Contract (if purchase money)
- Copy of Driver's License and Social Security card
- Mother's maiden name (both mothers' maiden names, if co-borrowers)
Income Information
- Authorization Number from employer (if required) to verify employment
- Pay stubs for the most recent 30 day period with Year to Date earnings indicated
- IRS W-2 forms and SIGNED tax returns for the previous 2 years
- Employment gaps explained
- If Self-Employed
- Previous two (2) years SIGNED tax returns with all scheduled corporate returns, if applicable
- Current and previous two (2) fiscal year-end financial statements Including Profit and Loss Statements
Deposit Information
- All major deposit/investment account information and account numbers and addresses
- Copies of previous two (2) months bank statements (major accounts)
- Gift letter, if applicable
Additional Documentation That May Be Required
- Divorce Decree
- Verification of Child Support
- Explanation of any potentially adverse credit ratings
- General information on other real estate owned-notes, leases, etc
- Rental agreements of leases
- Name an address of current and previous (if current is less than two (2) Years) landlords
- Partnership Agreements
- Copy of documents and explanation of money owed to you
- Settlement Statement from sale of home sold in the last year